2020: The Year To Reset

2020: The Year to Reset

Author’s Note: In 2017 I published my book The Notebook Meeting and was sharing the stage at live events with my husband David. Our desire was to continue on the path of our calling to help others grow forward in life and marriage. At the same time, I was looking at the final 3 years of my career as an educator. The demands of my teaching job were huge. David and I made the decision for me to stop working on The Notebook Meeting endeavors until I could step away from my daytime career. Well, that happened. In June 2020 I retired after 30 years of teaching the little people. It’s time to move on to helping the big ones. Here I am. Thanks be to God. Use me, Lord.


Whether you want a theme word for 2020 or not, this is it.


We all have to do it, reset our lives. Reset the way we walk through each day. For some, this means living without someone who used to be there. If that is you, I pray you call on our Heavenly Father to surround you with love and strength. And when you hear others talk about Covid without regard for the souls lost, may your heart know that my heart hurts with you.

As I am sure it happened with you, David and I realized in the early weeks of the shutdown that big changes were necessary. We knew we would be making long-term adjustments to managing daily life. Just like you, we changed our shopping, we changed our fitness plan, and we changed time with family for the sake of helping everyone stay healthy and safe. For me personally, the being home part was not a stretch at all. I am foremost an introvert which means I thrive on alone time. Also, my love language is quality time, so being stuck in the house with David was just fine with me. David, being a strong extrovert, missed being with a crowd, but he does love spending time with me. We both continued to work full-time from home, thanks be to God, so cleaning closets and making bread did not happen for us. Dang it. But we adapted; we reset life as we knew it.

Being at home together for an extended time forces you to look around, to be aware of things you didn’t really think much about before. So, just like you, we started looking around and dreaming about other ways to do this new life. What we thought were long-time-away dreams suddenly became our let’s-do-them-now dreams. So, we got busy.

We bought property in the mountains, the place where we would build our dream home. We cleaned out, packed up, sold our house, moved to our mountain town, and started working with a builder. It is quite a new chapter for us. In the middle of all of it, our granddaughter was born. Pure joy.

I’m here now, in this mountain town, working on my calling of helping the big people grow toward their mountaintop moments. I am ready to get busy in new ways. Stay tuned, and use me. I want to be here for you. That is my reset. In the meantime, consider what reset means for you this year. Continue to consider ways to make it work for you, not against you. Continue to dream, especially when things get hard. We all can reach our mountaintop moments.

For help growing toward your mountaintop moments (whether you are single or married), investigate the resources here. Check back often for more to come!

To learn more about our marriage ministry, listen to our podcast at the Red Truck Marriage podcast, and visit David’s website at www.ImpactingPeople.com.

Blessings on your journey.