Going It Alone: The Single Life

Going it alone

Well, you aren’t, not really.

The single life can be scary, hard, and lonely…or not.

For 10+ years I walked through life as a single, divorced parent. For some of that time, my journey was through my own desert, wandering without direction year after year. When I finally made a choice to start walking with intention and purpose, the direction the Lord wanted me to go in became clearer. The vision of who the Lord wanted me to be started to develop. Before that time many of the choices I had made in life while married had been self-centered and destructive. My years of living life alone became a season of knowing I had to change. Those 10+ years of going it alone turned out to be some of the most valuable years of my life, the years that I grew the most.

Goodness gracious, I needed to grow. 

As I look back now, those years before clarity came were filled with desperation and ignorance. I was not intentional about directing my days. I was not living with a strong sense of purpose. I just kept wandering until I realized I didn’t want to wander anymore. I wanted to live with meaning. It was during that time of being single that I made a decision to be intentional about who I wanted to be in this life, and to make it work. I wanted to stop living without focus. I wanted to be clear in knowing my capabilities and in knowing myself, and I absolutely wanted to put all the good stuff that I learned into action to create a better life. I wanted to become more of the person that God wanted me to be. During those years I realized that charting my path in life had everything to do with my decisions and my choices about what the Lord put before me, nobody else’s. You see, even though the Lord has a vision for our lives, He does not make it all happen for us. We have to do the work.  He will hold our hand every step of the way, but we have to keep our feet moving. 

I wanted to learn how to live life better, so I committed to doing the work to make that happen. I was ready. It was a great time of purposeful self-discovery through reading, journaling, learning, and analyzing. If you’ve read The Notebook Meeting, you know how I feel about what happens when you write things down. Writing about your life brings healing. I absolutely know it. 

Whether you are single or married, what are you doing with your time? Are you ready to stop wandering? Are you ready to live with intention? You may be in a season of thinking you are going it alone. You may be reading The Notebook Meeting by yourself and starting the journey on your own. I hope so. 

Here’s your challenge: Just make a decision. Get busy and do the work. “What work?”  You may ask. Listen to your heart. It will become clear.

Blessings on your journey…